"Take me abroad lovey"

Meet our 3 HAVRE LOVEYS. They love to travel and have a dream to explore the entire world. Help them make this dream come true, so bring a HAVRE FRIEND with you on your next trip! They compete to be the greatest globetrotter.
To participate in the competition, you must knit an optional HAVRE FRIEND, and post a photo on Instagram of your HAVRE LOVEY, which is in a new country it has not visited before. Anyone who helps one of the loveys to reach a new country will receive 3 Havrebarna patterns of your choice for FREE. It must be clearly visible on the photo which country your HAVRE FRIEND is visiting (famous building / point of interest, place sign etc. Airport transit does not count).
Remember to use #takemeabroadlovey and tag @havrebarna to participate. If you think you are the first to post a new country, send us an email to post@havrebarna.no with the name of the 3 patterns you want.
The list of countries is updated weekly:
Havrebjørn: Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden
Havrehare: Denmark, Great Britain, Greece, Norway, Sweden
Havrerev: Denmark, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Germany, USA